The Triangle Tarts do Ottawa Pride


The Triangle Tarts do Ottawa Pride

Every year the Ottawa Date Squares take part in Ottawa Pride celebrations. It’s the best opportunity to show the LGBTQ+ community how much fun Gay Square Dancing can be and this year we had very special guests show up at our booth at the info fair.

The Triangle Tarts are square dancers from the Toronto Triangle Squares gay square dance club in Toronto that love to make the scene in full square dance drag and this year they did not disappoint.

Now, before you start to second guess your decision to come give gay square dancing a try, drag is not compulsory. In fact it’s mostly only seen on special occasions and only a few of our more colourful dancers have the body aesthetic to pull it off.

In any event, when you dance with the Ottawa Date Squares you can be yourself, no matter how colourful that may be. Gay, straight, bi, trans… We never judge because it’s really all about the dancing!

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