Veer North
To The Capital
April 14-17, 2022
Veer North a Smashing Success
Veer North to the Capital 2022 has come to a close after four amazing days of dancing to some of Canada’s best callers.
Judging by all the happy smiling faces on the dance floor, attendees had a really fun time and made some great memories.
A few of you asked if we could still get the red Veer North embroidered t-shirts and the answer is yes, for a limited time, so if you missed out on this great memento, head to our shop and order yours today. We ship anywhere in Canada or the USA.
We would like to thank our amazing volunteers who helped with decorations, selling 50/50 tickets, hauling stuff to/from the dance venue and who provided the moral support and encouragement that helped us make this event a success.
Photos or Videos
Did you record some video or take photos during the event? We would love to share them with attendees. Reach out to us using the contact form at the bottom of this page and we’ll arrange a way to get the files from you so we can share them on this website.
Also, if you post to social media about the event, please use the hashtag #VeerNorth2022 and that will make sure everyone can find your posts.
Thank You
This event couldn’t have been the success that it was without you so thank you for attending and for purchasing silent auction items, share-the-wealth tickets and merchandise. All of this allowed us to reach and exceed our break-even point.
– the veer north commitee
Here are the very talented callers who headlined our fly-in. They’re all Canadians eh? It went really well with our theme of ‘Oh! Canada!’
Don and Avena live in Montreal and call for clubs that dance Mainstream thru C2. Don started dancing in 1975, and began his calling career by teaching a group of teens to square dance in the same year. About a year later when a well known caller relocated to the U.S., Don’s calling jumped from one to five nights a week. In 1988 a dream came true when he opened a square dance hall, which he operated and called at seven nights a week for many years. In June 2004 he retired from his job as a Technical Advisor in a lithography company after 36 years, which allowed him even more time to travel and call square dances, an activity he loves so much.
In addition to his club activities, Don has called at events throughout Canada, many U.S. states, and England, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, France, Austria, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and Norway. He has also appeared on four television shows to promote Square Dancing. Don is a member of GCA and CALLERLAB, and he has held executive positions on MASDA, CVCA, and MACA. He is delighted to be calling his third IAGSDC Convention in Ottawa 2023.
Wendy started dancing in 1983 in Cobourg, Ontario. Over the years, she was urged to try calling many times because of her lovely singing voice, so in 2000 she participated in a new callers clinic, and as they say, the rest is history. She started her own club, Wendy’s Elegant Eights, in January 2001. She became the club caller for the Meri Squares (Basic) in 2002, the Charmin’ Promenaders (Plus) in 2012, and the Ottawa Date Squares in January 2020. She also calls for Saturday Squares, a once-a-month group that meets to improve their skills and be challenged with “tougher” choreography in the Mainstream and Plus programs. Wendy has called in 6 US States and 3 Canadian Provinces, including many US and Canadian Nationals.
Wendy began recording singing calls in 2015, and she feels honoured to have recorded five with Sharpshooter and one with Hipster Productions. Wendy also loves doing Party Nights, introducing people to Modern Square Dancing and giving them a fun time. She has conducted numerous party nights and workshops in the Ottawa and Montreal areas for company dinners, church socials, wedding parties, retirement parties, group picnics, Christmas parties, and so much more.
She is a member of CALLERLAB, where she serves on the Women in Calling Committee, Mainstream Committee, Plus Committee, and Application Review Committee. Since February 2016, she has been the Chair of the Public Relations Committee. She is also a member of the Ottawa Area Callers’ Association (OACA) and the New England Caller/Teacher Association (NECTA).
She wouldn’t do it if she didn’t love it!
Barry lives in Toronto, Ontario with his wife Pam. They started dancing in 1973 and immediately got hooked. Barry started calling in 1984 when a local C2 tape group asked for help with some things they couldn’t find on teaching tapes. He figured if he was going to write material to help them, he might as well call it. Since then he has expanded in both directions and now calls from Basic through C4.As a dancer, Barry loves choreography that is smooth and flowing yet also provides some mental stimulation and the occasional surprise. When calling, he strives to create this effect through smooth danceable choreography flavoured with a bit of unusual positioning to create a dance experience containing both physical and mental elements.
Barry changed careers in September 2007. He retired from IBM after 30 years and is now a full-time caller and able to travel more than he has in the past. He’s called at weekends and conventions in 8 provinces, DC, and 27 states, as well as Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, England, the Czech Republic, Taipei, Beijing and New Zealand. He’s also a staff caller with the Academy for Advanced and Challenge Enthusiasts (AACE).
Barry is a member of CALLERLAB and the Gay Callers Association. Within CALLERLAB he is a past Chairman of the Board (2013-2015), has served on the Executive Committee (2011-2017) and has been a member of the Board of Governors since 2009. He has written articles for Zip Coder, The Call Sheet and American Square Dance Magazine. Barry and Pam were honoured with the Golden Boot award in 2018 for their exceptional contributions to our activity.
Marge joined the Toronto Triangle Squares as a new square dancer in September 2014. She loved her first IAGSDC convention and her first GCA caller school, both of which were at Maple Leafs Regroup in Toronto, 2016. She has attended every IAGSDC convention since then (physical and virtual), as well as multiple caller schools (GCA and otherwise). She has been calling Mainstream and Plus for the Toronto Triangle Squares.
Marge has chaired Toronto’s fly-in committee since 2017, and feels privileged to have helped teach the club’s MS and Plus classes since 2019. At her day job, Marge is a technical project manager at a not-for-profit company that creates secure data environments for health research. In recent months she has also found some time for reading and basic yoga.
Here are some of the calling workshops she has attended:
2016: GCA Caller School, Toronto
2017: Joe Uebelacker school, Peterborough
2018: GCA Caller School, Seattle
2019: Women in Calling (WIC) Institute, Richmond VA
In 1991, Brian and his wife Amy joined Mississippi Squares Dance Club (named for the Mississippi River that flows through Carleton Place and nearby Mississippi Lake) in Carleton Place, Ontario as new Basic dancers. In 1995, after learning Plus, Brian attended his first calling workshop, and over the next few years he received mentoring from Mel Wilkerson, the Mississippi Squares caller at the time.
In 1998, Brian co-founded the Town and Kountry Kickers in Stittsville with another local caller. In 1999, his co-founder took over as full-time caller for the Kickers, and Brian started calling for the Mississippi Squares. Over the years, Brian has also called for the Dynamite Tay Dancers in Perth, the Bytown Squares and Shadowcasters in Ottawa, and the Swinging Saints in Brockville. By the early 2000s Brian was calling five nights a week, but work commitments made that unsustainable. Now he does lots of guest calling across Ontario, Quebec, and the United States, but the Mississippi Squares is his only permanent gig. Brian hosts a worksop each spring that helps dancers from across eastern Ontario develop their skills. He has called many square dance conventions across Canada, and he has donated his time calling for many, many fundraiser events.
Brian and Amy served on the Mississippi Squares club executive for three years. Brian has served as Chair of the Ottawa Callers Association and as a Representative to Eastern Ontario Square and Round Dance Association. By day, Brian is regional manager for Benson Auto Parts in Carleton Place. He has been in the auto parts industry for more than 30 years.
Osamu started square dancing in Tokyo with the IAGSDC square dance club Edo8s in 2000.
In 2001, he started calling. After moving to Toronto, Ontario Canada he joined the Triangle Squares.
Osamu mainly calls Advance and Challenge (up to C4). He likes to create flowing choreography with music and asymmetrical sequences.
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